Date of Birth: 30/09/2018
Sex: Female
Colour: Light brown and white
Size: medium-large

Date of Birth: 30/09/2018
Sex: Female
Colour: Light brown and white
Size: medium-large
Date of Birth: 05/01/2018
Sex : Male
Colour: Beige and white
Size: medium-large
Date of birth: 10/07/2019
Sex: Male
Colour: Black and brown
Size: Medium
Date of Birth: 01/08/2018
Sex: Female
Colour: Brown
Size: Medium-large
More about Bafi:
Bafi, bless her soul, has had a hard life, and her scars are visible on her skin….. we are not sure what she has been through before she came to us, and whatever it was she has not let it stop her from being the sweetest angel.
She has what i would call a bit of sphinx look to her, and is an absolute star…. she is always the first to welcome new animals to the area she is in, and as she has such a calm nature, she immediately calms their nerves.
She would make a brilliant addition to any family home, on her own or with other dogs, we do not know how she is with cats, but i am sure if introduced in the correct way she would get on fine.
Date of birth: 20/04/2019
Sex: female
Colour: Brown and white
Size: Medium – large
Date of birth: 20/04/2019
sex: male
Colour: Brown and white
Size: medium-large
Date of Birth: 05/05/2019
sex: Female
colour: Black (white chest)
Size: Medium
This is the true story which inspired us to name our brand. A story which describes the special bond between a dog and a man.
ArgusCollar started when we realised that as dog owners, we couldn’t find any attractive collars for our own dogs. We were looking for fashionable and unique collars but we only found the same old fashioned ones. We just felt they were not distinguishable enough nor made our little best friends stand out.
We didn’t want to wear something on our dogs that we would never wear! So, that was when we came up with the idea of ArgusCollar! To design collars for our dogs that we could wear as bracelets, too!
We designed stylish collars made by animal friendly PU leather and created matching bracelets for you.
That’s why ArgusCollar is not only for your best friend, but for you as well!
Argus Collar, who create some amazing accessories for your four legged friend. Have very generously have donated 3 items to our shelter, one is being modelled by our photographer Nikos Pandermalis dog : Skye
These items will be up for sale at our winter stall.
Thank you very much Argus Collars.
Please click the link above to take a look at there website
Date of birth: 10/05/2019
Sex: Female
Colour : Brown, Black and White
Size: Medium
Little Frozen was found along with her sister, they were both in a terrible state from living on the street from birth….
They came to us when they were just 2 months old, it was obvious they had been separated from their mum for a while, as they were both malnourished, and unfortunately Frozen’s sister did not make it.
Even though she has had a rough start to life, Frozen is such a lovely little angel, she has no fear of new people, and will always come up to visitors wanting a belly rub, or head scratch.
She is a little bit shy of new dogs, but always very quickly welcomes them into her heart, and plays with them, and washes their eyes….. making sure they are ok.
She is a very quiet dog, not one to bark too much, she will show her excitement more by wagging her tail soo much she might take flight at any moment.
Sue to her being a gentle soul, she has no problems with any other dogs, and shares her food brilliantly…. in fact she will quite often move out of the way so another dog can eat along side her.
Date of birth: 20/04/2019
Sex: Male
Colour: White, brown/black marble markings
Size: medium – large
More about Zitan:
This lovely boy, is a very gentle soul. He is amazing with other dogs, and people, and will be one of the first to greet anyone new to visit. Quite often following the visitors around, making sure they are ok.
He is great with new arrivals of dogs to, always kind and gentle with a new arrival, never aggressive or possessive of his food or toys.
He loves to have a mad half hour run around, followed by a nice long siesta in the sunshine.