Date of Birth: 11/11/2011
Sex: Female
Colour: Brown and white
Size: Small
Little kanelitza is one of our older ladies, she is around 7 years old now. Even though she is one of our older dogs, she gets on great with all other dogs, no matter what age. She is not a big one for running around and playing with puppies, but at the same time she is great with them, she lets them run all around her, a bit like a mama dog would, and when she has had enough of there energy and excitement, she will just potter off to somewhere quieter for a little nap.
She desperately needs to find a home, where she can be given the love she deserves….

Join the conversationIngrid Kleinke - January 23, 2020
How tall is Kanelitza? I search a female dog,6 – 9 years old, 30 – 39 cm tall. I have an 8 1/2 years old female dog. We walk every day 9- 12 km. We – my Husband also- live in our own House with garden. The dog should be quiet and agreeable with dogs and peeple. Seh should not hunt.
I am 82 years old, active and healthy. A good friend ( 58 years old) will take over my dogs, if I shall be ill or death.
sitianimalrescue - February 5, 2020
hello, sorry about the delay in replying, we have had issues with spam in our comments box.
she is about the size you are asking for, she is 9 years old, gets on great with other dogs and people, and is a very quiet little lady.
can i ask where you live?